Coronavirus Outbreak

This week has seen some major developments related to the COVID-19 outbreak, namely the rate of increase in the number of infections in the UK (our primary operating market) and the release of the UK Government’s action plan and associated response-level updates.

There is currently no immediate or foreseen impact to Global Switchgear Services Ltd operations arising from COVID-19. Like most businesses, we are however monitoring the spread of the virus and stand ready to respond to specific developments or general guidance issued by the UK Government and health authorities. In doing so, our priorities will be the safety of our colleagues and keeping our services operational for customers.

As a valued customer, we wanted to update you on our preparedness for the potential effects of a wider outbreak of COVID-19.

We are continuing to provide guidance to colleagues consistent with the preventative measures recommended by health authorities. In addition, no colleagues have recently travelled to high-risk countries.

Field Engineer services

There are no current or foreseen issues that would impact our attendance to scheduled / planned installation projects. This may change however, depending on the speed and extent of the COVID-19 outbreak. We will work with our customers in response to specific and general developments, however we forecast that the likely impact on scheduled or reactive call-outs would be potentially rescheduling or delaying our attendance should our teams become affected directly or indirectly by the virus.

As the situation develops, the above may be impacted to varying extents and this may affect our response times. We will update customers accordingly should we get to that situation and look forward to receiving updates from customers accordingly that would help to ensure the safety of all our colleagues and the general public.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation during this time.


Global Switchgear Services Ltd

Last reviewed 13 March 2020